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Req: TrimBox for Zoom not Crop
投稿日 : 2013/04/20 07:44
投稿者 John Critton
Sorry. Another request from me again. But this is hopefully the last one:

In the following I will talk about the PDF Trim feature, but this is also true for our upcoming AutoTrim function and the CBZ/CBR Trim.txt support.
So the term "TrimBox" does mean the PDF TrimBox, your AutoTrim function and the CBZ/CBR Trim.txt support

1) Please do not crop the Page in the Single Page Display Mode.
Instead use the TrimBox information only for the Zoom Mode. So a Fit to Height would fit to the Height of the TrimBox and not the Height of the Picture (see first example picture).
It should be possible to move the Page so that the area outside of the TrimBox would be visible. And if enabled, the Picture should bounce back to the TrimBox if the finger is released from the Display (see first example Picture)

2) Show the full Page during the Page Transition before zooming into the page according to the zoom setting. (see example pictures).
(Would be nice if the user could adjust the time while the full page is displayed or maybe the page could be displayed until the user touches the screen again.)

3) In the Dual Page Display Mode, both pages should be cropped according to the TrimBox on the edge where both pages are next to each other. The other three edges of each Page should not be cropped. The resulting TrimBox of the two pages combined should again be used for zooming only.

I have ordered my requests in the order of importance. So I hope you will at least consider implementing request Number 1

If request 1) would be implemented, the user could optimize the zoom/page display without loosing information. The less important content outside of the TrimBox could still be accessed by panning the page.

Personally I find it important to see the whole Page at least once, so I think the zoom Mode requested in 2) would be very helpful. Not only for DualPages (see http://comicglass.net/bbs/read.cgi?no=1000) but also for the iPhone.

Thanks for reading so far. I'm looking forward to your response.

Best Regards
John Critton

Re: Req: TrimBox for Zoom not Crop
投稿日 : 2013/04/24 00:46
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for the helpful advice.
Let me make a reference!