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Inquires about transfer, etc.
投稿日 : 2014/02/15 18:39
投稿者 MK

I have been used ComicGlass for more than a year and I absolutely love this app. But today I have several questions and feature requests.

1) Recently, I've started to use MediaServer for Mac to transfer my files. But files are transferred to "Downloads" folder by default, and I have to organize them to my own folders every single time.

On contrast, when I use Dropbox to transfer my files, I can transfer them to the folder that I am currently looking at.

Is this normal? If so, would you improve the mediaserver feature so that users can specify the destination folder on Comicglass like when they use Dropbox?

2) Is it possible to transfer multiple folders with sub-folders? For example, if I have some folders like this:

"One Piece" > "Luffy" "Nami" "Sanji"

I usually have to transfer all of these four folders individually, and then have to organize them manually. I wish I can transfer and organize everything if I just transfer "One Piece" folder.

3) Is it possible to arrange "Folders" by name? There is already a feature to sort files by name, but it doesn't work on folders. My folders sometimes get mixed up randomly, and it is a little bit inconvenient.

4) When I have a file name like this:


then Comicglass automatically recognizes [Author] and shows it below the Manganame in browser mode. I really like this feature.

However, when I have a file name like this,


Only the [Publisher] is recognized in browser and shown below Manganame, while [Author] and [Date] that come before publisher get ignored.

Would you add an option to recognize multiple [ ] s?

By the way, I'm currently using iMac (Late 2013) with Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks and iPad Air with iOS 7. All OS and Applications are up-to-date, and most of their settings are set default.

I really love this app, and I would truly appreciate your help. If you are confused over some of my questions, please let me know. I will take some screenshots and upload them to make my points clear.

Have a great day!

Re: Inquires about transfer, etc.
投稿日 : 2014/02/20 02:12
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for using ComicGlass.

Download folder There is a download folder for conclusion of the agreement of an apple.
iCloud makes backup of a Documents folder.
In order to prevent increase of a backup file, APPLE has forbidden saving the downloaded file in a Documents folder.

This function is under development now.

3) and 4)
Now, the function does not exist.

I will use your explanation as reference.

Thank you for your cooperation!