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Great reader. And features REQ
投稿日 : 2011/02/13 02:17
投稿者 Kronos
Comicglass is very good manga reader. Almost perfect.
Just a bit more features would be great.

1. Folder Cover
Bookshelf is pretty, it's like iBook, But if you have many
mangas series and organize them in folder. when you
look at bookshelf it'll be all blank folder picture.
Not beatiful at all :(

2. More Tab Functions (like Jump Forward/Backward 10 Pages)
Tab Functions is great. Can config many points of tab and
can set function to it. But if it has Jump 10 Pages, it'll be great.
When read the manga and want to skip to another chapter
you've to tab once and slide page-slider to find the page you want.
It's not convenience. It's slow, sometime not show the page it should.
And it's not the you want, you've to tab once and slide to find page
again and again. But if you've Jump 10 pages function, you can
set tab (ie. Top/Right) to jump 10 pages. Which I think it's faster.

By the way, If you'll put 'Jump 10 pages' function. Please set that
it'll wait at least 1 second before caching next image, and if user
tab to jump 10 pages again then you cancel caching that image.
This way user can tab jump multiple times (2-3 times for 20-30 pages)
without to wait for caching those image between jump.
Re: Great reader. And features REQ
投稿日 : 2011/02/14 01:53
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for using ComicGlass.

1. Folder Cover (Folder image)

Your point is adequate. I am getting a lot of demands of the function to set the image to the folder. I plan to achieve this function,near future.

2. More Tab Functions
Thank you for the proposal. I think it is very useful.
I will improve the function of page movement.

Thank you.
Re: Great reader. And features REQ
投稿日 : 2011/02/18 11:38
投稿者 Robert
I love Comic Glass. The best iOS app i have used yet (and tried around half dozen of the most popular ones).

I have few suggestions, minor I hope.

1) When in Bookshelf mode, an easy way to identify if status is Unread, Reading, or Read. I am thinking one way is to use opaque border and give user the option to make each status a certain color so the page border might be say blue for "read" and opaque for unread and black for "reading".

2) When downloading comics via MediaServer, provide an ongoing counter of total comics downloaded to total to be downloaded.
So status would be like 2/25 downloaded, then 3/25, and so forth.

3) Provide a way to choose multiple comics to download out of a group.
Right now it seems if I go into a folder with say 50 comics but only want to download 10, I have to choose each one at a time instead of being able to checkmark the ones I want and ignore the rest.

Thank you again for the fantastic app!
Re: Great reader. And features REQ
投稿日 : 2011/02/20 03:14
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for using ComicGlass, and I understood your proposal.
I update for these improvements as much as possible.

Thank you.