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Automatic Folders
投稿日 : 2011/02/21 15:25
投稿者 jonathan
I think your application is really THE BEST for reading comics on iPhone, but I'd like just one new feature, if it's possible.

I'd like ComicGlass to automatically group comics based on their file names. For example, if I upload from iTunes some comics with names like this:


it would be useful to have an option (just an option in the settings, so that only who wants to have this feature will enable it) that group all those comics under one folder. It could also automatically name the folder leaving out the number. In this case the name of the folder would be "Ultimate.Spiderman".

And the icon of the folder would be the cover of the first file (obviously, this when you implement folders with covers).

Thank you!
Re: Automatic Folders
投稿日 : 2011/02/22 02:05
投稿者 jonathan
I wrote "folders" in the previous message, but I mean that this kind of automatic organization could be done by "virtual folders", not real ones.

It could be just a different way of viewing the content of the library. In this way there will be no need to create real folders, and just with one click in the options it will be possible to activate or deactivate this kind of organization.

Thank you!
Re: Automatic Folders
投稿日 : 2011/02/23 00:35
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for the terrific idea.
I think this function is a function to group books.
I review your proposal positively.

Thank you.

If you use MacOS,please add extension ".pkg" to foldername and transfer by iTunes then you can transfer the folder.