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File name in options screen
投稿日 : 2011/03/02 17:16
投稿者 jonathan
I'm here again to ask you another little feature.

When I open ComicGlass I usually find a page of the last comic I am reading. If I'm reading a series (for example, "Ultimate Spiderman") I can't remember which issue I'm reading ("Ultimate Spiderman 15"? "Ultimate Spiderman 17"?).

If I tap on the screen I can see the "Close this book" option, the page number, the "Create jacket" option and so on, BUT there is no indication of the file name. So I have to close the book and reopen it just to check the name.

As there is a lot of space in that screen, can you add the file name too?

Thank you!
Re: File name in options screen
投稿日 : 2011/03/02 22:09
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for the improvement idea.

I will add the label that displays name of book,(Maybe, of some versions)

Thank you.