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Vertical Scroll
投稿日 : 2012/09/30 01:40
投稿者 cat
Firstly, thank you for a great comic viewer. It is absolutely perfect for reading on the ipad.
I wanted to suggest something for the iphone version though.

I would like it if you would include a 'top to bottom' option under page direction. If I have looked correctly the current version only has left or right page turns, no top to bottom. This would tremendously help because of the small screen of iphone. For an example Namo ComicsViewer on the appstore http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/namo-comicsviewer/id441055691?mt=8 does this one thing brilliantly. If you just added this feature I could use comicglass instead- which is by far the better one, on both the devices. I really hope you implement vertical-continuous scrolling in a future update.

Thank you.
Re: Vertical Scroll
投稿日 : 2012/10/02 06:28
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for your advice.
It refers to your opinion.
I think that I am also required for vertical scrolling.