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view picture in original size?
投稿日 : 2012/12/26 17:36
投稿者 Tim
i dont want my images enlarged to fit the screen, what can i do? thx
Re: view picture in original size?
投稿日 : 2012/12/26 17:39
投稿者 Tim
add one more thing:
sometimes when i use comicglass for more than fifteen minutes, as i try to go to the next episode, it somehow keeps going back to the same episode, such as as i am reading ep.323, i click next, it should go to 324, but somehow it goes to 310, then even i try to finish 310 or click close book, it just gets me to the 310 over and over again. Can you guys fix the bug? Also, will you update the software to support other language, such as chinese? thank you and merry christmas.
Re: view picture in original size?
投稿日 : 2012/12/26 19:05
投稿者 Tim
also, as i try to put images in a rar file. i dont know why inside the folder, there are pictures outside the folder, let say i put 10 pictures in dragon ball folder, then compress it into a rar file, import it into the ipad. Try to open it, then when i go into the folder on the main page, inside the dragon ball there must be one folder. below the folder, there are a lot of pictures, which is supposed to be in the folder. However, there are pictures inside the folder, but the pictures outside the folder are duplicates, how do i delete it? thank you.
Re: view picture in original size?
投稿日 : 2012/12/31 00:57
投稿者 Admin
Thank you for using ComicGlass.

Are you troubled about Paige's order?

The problem about movement of a folder has grasped.
Thank you for the opinion.